About Us
The Wytheville Farmers Market is a 501c3 comprised of local farmers, gardeners, bakers and artisans who have a passion for providing locally grown fruits & vegetables, microgreens, herbs, a variety of meats, baked goods, preserves, hand-crafted products and more to residents and visitors of Wythe County and Southwest Virginia.
Our vision is a vibrant local food economy, healthy community, and fruitful market place.
Our mission is to connect our community to healthy, fresh food and farmers, support local agriculture, and strengthen the local food economy by nurturing nutrition education, entrepreneurship, and land stewardship in Southwest Virginia.
Board of Directors
Kevin Wallington
Sharon Brown
Vice Chair
Jessica Underwood
Judy Buck
Jeff Lucas
Dean Pratt
Jessica Camden
Market Management
Thalia Rodriguez
Market Manager
Megan Woods
Assistant Market Manager
Proud Members